01234 240177 
Hydraulic Gantry Lift System Specialists  
Machinery Removal and Installation 
Projector Lifting Service 

Power Transformers - A Specialist Installation and Removal Service 

Power transformers come in all shapes and sizes and we've installed, relocated and removed plenty over the years. The vast majority have ranged between small 1 tonne transformers up to about the 150 tonne mark. Due to the nature of power transformers the project can (and does) take us anywhere. One minute we're installing in the wilds of the Scottish highlands, the next we're in the middle of London. As you would imagine, each has its own challenges but none have ever been insumountable. 
Whether you need to install or remove a transformer youu can be sure that we will conplete your project with the care an attention we've become know for since 1988. 
Installing Transformers of All Shapes, Sizes and Capacities Anywhere for Any Purpose 
Where different voltages are needed for industrial applications, plant feeding transformers are used. High voltage substation system interconnecting transformers connect the necessary AC transmission systems to facilitate the exchange of reactive and active power between the systems. 
Auxiliary power supplies for power plants are provided by unit auxiliary transformers, effectively lowering generator voltage for internal plant. 
Power Generation Transformers 
The crucial link between power transmission networks and power stations are grid access transformers and generator step up transformers. 
Whatever questions you have about moving your transformers, contact us now and we'll be happy to help. 
Hydraulic Gantry Liifting Systems
Transformers Are Vital 
With transformers being a vital part of a power generation system, our engineers will plan an installation, relocation or removal to ensure the work is completed properly, but in a timely fashion.  
The lift systems and equipment used on your project are all owned by us so you can be sure that the maintenance and upkeep are fisrt class. 
All our engineers are time served, well trained and fully qualified to complete each element of a transformer project, which means that the quality of the work will always be first class. 
To discuss your heavy lifting project please contact us now on 01234 240177 or email 
Projector Lifting Service Ltd - Your Leading Industrial Handling Solutions Contractor